How to become an egg donor

You made your mind up – you want to help someone have a child by becoming an egg donor. Exciting!

Now that you’ve made the decision, it’s time for the next step…but what exactly is the next step?

Well, you’ve got to apply. We know you’re busy so we’ve broken down the application process step by step.

Step 1: eligibility

There are a few eligibility criteria that you must meet in order to move forward:

  • You’re between the ages of 21-31
  • You’re at a healthy BMI (body mass index)
  • You’re a non-smoker
  • You don’t have a history of STDs, medical conditions or cancer
  • You don’t have a history of depression or substance abuse
  • You haven’t recently traveled to an area at risk for Zika virus

Step 2: online application

If you meet all of these requirements, great news – you’re officially healthy and a potential egg donor!

The next step is to fill out an online application. Don’t worry, this application is short and sweet! You will be asked your basic information and a few brief questions about your medical history. It should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Once you have submitted your completed profile, our Ovatures team will review your profile to determine if you are a good candidate to donate your eggs.

Step 3: doctor’s visit

If you’re a good fit, you’ll get a call asking you to schedule an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility (REI) doctor. During this visit, your doctor will collect an extensive medical history and will order some blood work. The doctor will then give you a call letting you know that your blood work checked out and that you have been accepted into the Ovatures program.

Congratulations! Once you’re given the green light to become an egg donor, you will meet with an REI nurse who will walk you through the process and coordinate your egg donation journey!


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