Let’s face it – mom jeans are pretty rad. If you have the confidence to rock ‘em, they usually work! Paired with a tucked in, loose button-up or a form-fitting turtleneck and sneakers or heels, mom jeans are a classic way to look feminine, hip and casually fashionable. And they’re not the only 90s fad […]

14 March, 2019

Once you are approved to be an egg donor, Shannon Lighton, our Ovatures nurse coordinator, will connect with you to begin the process. Her role is to work closely with egg donors and egg recipients to ensure they are comfortable and cared for every step of the way. Not only does Shannon play a big […]

7 March, 2019

Egg donation is more than just a one-step process. Making the decision to donate your eggs is monumental and for some, life altering. Ovatures recognizes the magnitude of your generosity to donate your eggs, and has taken extra steps to ensure that, as a donor, you get to work with staff that are compassionate, caring […]

21 February, 2019

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance, roses and chocolate from your crush – it’s also a day to show love to your girlfriends, who are there for you through thick and thin. According to the Mayo Clinic, friends increase each others’ self-worth, confidence, joy, happiness, discipline, sense of belonging…the list of benefits goes on and […]

13 February, 2019

If you’re considering donating your eggs, chances are you’ve already given it some pretty serious thought. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a few more questions about the nitty gritty details. We don’t blame you! With something as personal as egg donation, you should have as much as information as possible when making the […]

7 February, 2019

As a young girl in New Jersey, Raquel Bruno distinctly remembers her mother joking that the women in the family were so fertile, her mother got pregnant on birth control. The passing comments were just that, and Bruno didn’t pay them any mind, one way or another, until, sitting in her Manhattan apartment as a […]

25 January, 2019

It’s the New Year, which means there’s no better time to work toward a healthier, more fit you! Overcrowded gyms may not be your scene, and resolutions are rarely kept, so why not try committing to a regular practice of yoga instead? And we mean regular: a little every day helps. We know yoga every […]

16 January, 2019